Welcome to Xeppo
Getting Started - The Basics
- ★ Using the Xeppo Support Centre
- ★ User Settings
- Welcome to Xeppo (video)
- Orientation Guide
- The User Menu
- Multi-Factor Authentication
Two-factor Authentication (2FA)
Groups and Clients
Add & Manage Client Details in Xeppo
Rankings & Fee Categories
Sales App
- Introduction to the Xeppo Sales App
- Sales Analytics (Sales App Landing page)
- Creating and Qualifying Leads
- Create a Project from a Qualified Lead or Opportunity
- Creating Opportunities
- Opportunity data elements
Activities App
- Access to the Activities App
- Creating Activities
- Using Priority in Activities
- Merge Document from Activity Action
- Searching Activities
- Create a Default View for Incomplete Activities
Time Tracking - Capture Time in Xeppo
Documents App
- ★ SharePoint: Creating a SharePoint folder for a Group
- Documents App - Introduction
- Documents App - Overview
- SharePoint: Overview & FAQ's
- SharePoint: Delete "Create SharePoint Folder" Test Documents
- Adding Documents
Marketing App
Insights Premium
Xeppo Group Insights
Moneysoft App
- Overview of Moneysoft App
- Getting Ready (Moneysoft App)
- Configuring Xeppo Client Access for Moneysoft
- Connecting Moneysoft accounts to your Xeppo portal (Client Friendly)
- Administering your Moneysoft App
- Building Views relating to Moneysoft
Third Party Applications
Cloud Hosting Security
Xeppo APIs
Xeppo User Guide
Xeppo user documentation.