Setting up Windows Push Notifications

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Setting up Windows Push Notifications

Windows Push Notifications can be enabled to automatically notify you of important events in Xeppo, using the Windows Notification Centre. Follow the below instructions to enable them on your computer. 

  1.  Click on your account name on the top right-hand side and then click on the Push Notifications menu item.


  2. From the Push Notifications page, click on the Manage Current Device button to add the web browser as a registered device for notifications. The Manage current device pop-up window opens.


  3. From the Manage current device pop-up window, the following fields are shown:


      • Device Description - The field automatically identifies your operating system and web browser. This is non-editable.
      • Device Name - An open text field for you to type in an easily recognisable label to your device.
      • Your Practice Name - The toggle switch enables or disables the push notification feature.
  4. From the Device Name field, type in a name to identify your device.
  5. Next, toggle the switch to the ON state to enable the Push Notifications.
  6. Then, click on the Save Changes button. Your device is added to the list of registered devices. The small computer icon 12-February-21_1352743_.png tells you which registered device you are currently using.



  • Notifications must also be turned on for the browser in the Notification & Action centre of your PC. You can access this option by typing Notification in the search bar of your PC taskbar. Then select your browser from the list and ensure notifications are on and are set to show notifications in the action centre. 
  • By default, Mozilla Firefox does not support Microsoft Windows pop-up notification and only displays the push notification within the web browser
  • Setting up the Push Notifications in InPrivate or Incognito mode may or may not work for your device
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